Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm a rising senior at UNC from Hillsborough, N.C. I started out on the reporting track but switched to editing and graphic design once I realized how much I loved publication design!
How did you get involved with CAFME?
I heard about it from the JOMC listserv and thought it was something I needed to get involved in!
What do you like the most about the club?
The chance to meet professionals in the industry and other j-school students I might not meet otherwise.
What else are you involved with on campus?
I'm the design director for Scope, design editor for Carolina PASSPORT and vice president of SND.
Tell us about your internship.
I'm interning for the Hearst Design Group, which is the combined staff for House Beautiful, ELLE DECOR and VERANDA. I'm an art intern for the marketing department, so I've been working on lots of promotional materials.
How did you hear about the opportunity?
I found an ad for the internship on westovermedia.com
What has been the most challenging/rewarding aspect of the internship?
It's been challenging because three magazines have only recently combined marketing departments, and processes have been restructured for everyone. It's been very rewarding, though, to be part of something that's still so new, and as the internship has progressed, and I've been entrusted with bigger tasks and more responsibility, I've started to feel like part of the team.
What tips would you offer to others trying to follow in your footsteps?
Don't give up! Contact as many people as you can. Even if you don't think you qualify for the internship, it doesn't hurt to try! The worst they can say is no.
What would you like to do after you graduate?
I'd definitely like to do magazine design — probably for a women's lifestyle magazine. Other than that, I have no idea!
What's your one Carolina must-do before you graduate?
YOPO. It's that important.
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