Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm a senior Journalism and English double major and I added a minor in Jewish Studies this semester just because. I'm from Kannapolis, N.C. and in my spare time (which is rare), I love to watch Netflix, obsess about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and play tennis.
How did you get involved in CAFME?
I found out about CAFME in the fall of my sophomore year, right before we let out for winter break. I emailed the general email and heard back from Sierra, who told me to come to the first meeting of the spring. I was hooked from the get-go.
What do you do on CAFME?
Well, last year I served as the Special Projects Coordinator, where I managed CAFME's Twitter and Facebook accounts (this was the moment in my life where I fell in love with Hootsuite). This year, I, along with Alyssa Bailey, am a co-president, so we make sure everything is running smoothly and help maintain the trajectory of the organization.
What do you like the most about the club?
I love the camaraderie that I have developed with various members (and the hopeful friendships with the new members). It is great to have a community of people who are interested in the same things as you and it thrills me to think about working beside some of my friends someday!
What is your goal for the club this year?
This year I just want to make sure people get to know each other and really branch out and take advantage of everything we will be offering. If there is one thing I personally want to do is to make sure I present myself as a resource for members and to help them as much as I have been helped by the past leaders. I want everyone to know that I am here for them all the time.
What else are you involved with?
This year I'm the assistant arts editor at The Daily Tar Heel as well as a television columnist for ScottFeinberg.com, which is run by the lead awards analyst for The Hollywood Reporter. It's basically what I want to do professionally, so that's awesome! I'm also working on a column for UNC's Her Campus site. Oh, and classes, I always forget that I have those too!
Tell us about your magazine experience.
Beyond campus publications, I interned at Our State, N.C.'s state magazine, last fall. I loved my time there a lot. This summer, I interned at TV Guide Magazine as an ASMEintern. It was an amazing experience and I really want to be an ambassador for ASME here at UNC and help the current juniors with their applications to the internship and get the word out about it. It was a life-changing experience and I feel as though it helped me tremendously. Seriously guys, please apply!
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